Dolphins Codes,Rules, Regulations & Licences

The FDJFC aims to provide an opportunity for the youth of our area to participate in Australian Rules Football and enhance their health and well-being through organised sport.

The club, will at all times, endeavour to provide for the health, welfare and well-being of its players, supporters and spectators.

All players, coaches and officials, parents, supporters and committee members have a responsibility at all times when representing the FDJFC to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner consistent with these principles and or Codes of Conduct.

Codes of Conduct

The Frankston Dolphins Junior Football Club (Inc) has adopted mandatory & enforceable codes of conduct for coaches, players, parents, supporters and officials aligned with those established by the AFL.


Player Behaviour Policy

The Frankston Dolphins Junior Football Club (Inc) is committed to providing safe, supportive, and responsive environments for everyone across a range of settings. We teach and model the inclusive and safe behaviours we value in our players.


Parents, Guardians & Spectators Code of Conduct

A Code of Conduct for parents, guardians and spectators of junior football players is essential to ensure a positive and supportive environment for both the players and the coaches.


Alcohol Management Policy

The Frankston Dolphins Junior Football Club (Inc) recognises the importance of holding a liquor licence, enabling it to generate income and hold social functions. In doing so however, we accept the responsibilities and expectations of the community in adhering to liquor licensing laws and the criteria of the Good Sports program.


Anti Bullying Policy

The Frankston Dolphins Junior Football Club has a zero tolerance of bullying practices and seeks to educate our players, parents, coaches and club officials about acceptable behaviour.


Communications & Social Media Policy

Electronic communication is essential for sharing club news and information with our members. The Frankston Dolphins Junior Football Club will use a range of electronic tools as a means of communicating with our members. Our communication will protect members’ privacy maintain clear boundaries and ensure that bullying and harassment does not occur.


Disability Action Plan

The Frankston Dolphins Junior Football Club (Inc) recognizes that it is unlawful to treat a person with a disability less favourably than a person who does not have a disability, in the same or similar circumstances. Such discrimination is covered by the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Equal Opportunity Act 1995.


Illegal Drug Policy

The Frankston Dolphins Junior Football Club (Inc) understands and accepts it has a duty of care to provide a safe and healthy environment, free of illegal drugs. This policy reflects a commitment by the club to the health, safety and welfare of all its members


Issue Resolution Policy & Guidelines

The Frankston Dolphins Junior Football Club (Inc) requires that all issues are resolved to the satisfaction of the members and Committee in a timely fashion. Accordingly, issue resolution procedures have been developed to enable this objective to be fulfilled.


Respect & Responsibility Statement

The Frankston Dolphins Junior Football Club (Inc) commits to the objective of the AFL’s Respect and Responsibility Policy to create safe, welcoming and inclusive environments for women and girls at all levels of Australian Football.


Risk Management Policy

The Frankston Dolphins Junior Football Club (Inc) is committed to managing risk. The objective of this policy is to eliminate or minimise risks associated with our club


Safe Transport Policy

The Frankston Dolphins Junior Football Club (Inc) understands and accepts its responsibility to the safety of our members and friends. This policy aims to provide a basis for the responsible use and/or
non-use of alcohol by the club and to avoid any incidents as people travel to or from the club and its events.


Vilification & Discrimination Tolerance Policy

The Frankston Dolphins Junior Football Club (Inc) is committed to an environment which promotes racial and religious tolerance by prohibiting certain conduct and providing a means of redress for victims of racial and religious vilification and/or racial discrimination.


Three Strikes Policy

The Frankston Dolphins Junior Football Club (Inc) is committed to maintaining a standard of conduct within the club that upholds the values and reputation of the club and its members.